Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Writers share then work and their cake-decorating creativity

GMS Writers Express members have been bringing work to each meeting to share and critique. It's been an impressively productive school year so far for these young writers. To celebrate their accomplishments, they each received a recently published book to read at the December 12 meeting.

A group with creativity that knows no bounds isn't limited to crafting stories with words. They can also do that through cake decorating. They explored their visual art skills with a decorating lesson at the conclusion the last meeting for 2013. Here's what they did.

 Step 1: Unwrap your cake then ice it with white icing. Get more icing on the cake than in your mouth.

Step 2: Mix a color into white icing then put it into the pastry bag. Again, don't eat it before it gets on the cake.

Step 3: Experiment with various tip styles and colors to see what you can do. Don't experiment by squeezing the icing directly into your mouth to see if the different colors have varying flavors.

Step 4: Celebrate your creation! Now you can eat the icing you didn't use, plus the entire cake.
Surely all this celebratory sugar will fuel even more creativity in 2014. The group is looking forward to more writing and to a field trip to the KET studios next year.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Writers encourage pet adoption

Members of our writing group recently volunteered at the Central Kentucky Regional Humane Society. Here are the pieces they wrote to encourage the adoption of some of the animals.

A Second Chance
By Savannah Dodson
They can’t hit back. They can’t ask you to stop. It just isn’t their fault. They can’t change the situation. They are just… stuck. Who are they? Animals. Behind those beady eyes some have a story you couldn’t imagine. A select and lucky few get an outlet, a way out, of a world of hurt. The humane society. They take in the unwanted, and save the unreachable. My favorite animal there? Wakina. A little dog with a warm heart. His story was among the most desirable. No abuse involved, but still sad. His family was foreclosed upon and could no longer care for Wakina and his buddies called Luna and Sophie. Thus, the cuddly animals found refuge in The Humane Society. Now the lap-dogs are welcoming anyone into their heart. They need a home, you got one. I see the connection, don’t you? You should adopt Wakina.. or, well.. any shelter dog. You could give them the second chance they most certainly deserved.

By Cheyenne Grow
Shelter animals are amazing!  They may seem mean or smell. They are really cool! JYou should adopt Jan. She is a small, black and white dog. She’s really sweet, likes long walks, to be held and to be petted. You should adopt this amazing animal. Once you get to know her, she will love you forever. Please adopt her and give her a great home!!!!!!

By Kayla Lawson
The humane society is an inspiring place that has animals like cats and dogs. There were some amazing stories about how the animals came to the humane society and they really touched my heart. Out of all the animals at the humane society one animal caught my eye the most. It was a dog named Bitsy. She had tan fur and a little white spot on her chest and her front paws were white, too. She was a really playful and happy. She likes to give you licks in the face and she’ll hop in your lap. Her story was that her owner put a wire on her tail to make it shorter. That’s why her tail is crooked. After I got to know her I got to walk her; actually, she kind of walked me. She had an enormous amount of energy. I fell in love with Bitsy the moment I met her. Even though her story wasn’t as harsh as the others, her story did have a meaning. You should really take action in adopting her. I promise you will not regret it. So take action and adopt her today.

By Maria Gonzalez
You should REALLY adopt Sissy because she is a very loving dog but she is very shy. She is a little Chihuaha and has soft white fur. Sissy’s owner was 91 and passed away. The Humane Society took her in ever since.  Sissy needs to trust you first before she lets you pet and hold her. After she trusts you she becomes really friendly and cuddly. She makes a great cuddle buddy because she is small, has fur that is really soft like a cloud. That’s why you should adopt Sissy.

By Trinity Visconti
Do you want the best dog ever? And don’t say you ‘Aren’t a dog person.’ Cause that’s just…. No. It’s not acceptable. It’s Hurtful. Well, anyway… If you want the best dog ever, like seriously, you must get Luna. She is like the sweetest dog you’ll ever meet. No joke. And she will love you till the end. All she wants to be is held and loved. You want to know her story? Her little human family got foreclosed upon and couldn’t keep her or her two little friends named Wakina, and Sophie. It’s sad. Sophie and Luna are like identical twins. And Wakina…… he’s like the grumpy old grandpa. Or great-grandpa… But he is a happy, grumpy, old grandpa. I know it’s confusing. But it’s true.… It’s their little family and they got moved to the Humane Society. You want to know what breed she is? Well…, I can’t tell you that because I don’t know. But she is the adorable kind if that’s any helpful to you. Okay. I’m done…… haha. No. I’m not done. I forgot to ask you something…. Your gonna adopt Luna. Is this clear? Okay. Now I'm done. Bye.

By Oceana Pruden-Scott
 The humane society was awesome. There were so many dogs and cats there. One animal that I loved was Sophie. Sophie is a medium sized dog. Her hair color is light brown. She also has dark brown eyes. This dog is protective too. She is a very good walking dog. She has a sister named Luna and a brother named Wakina. Sophie and her siblings ended up in the humane society because her owners were foreclosed upon. She is a fun-loving dog. Sophie is the perfect dog for anyone. Anyone would be lucky to adopt this dog. Sophie is up for adoption so adopt her before anyone else does!

By Darien Rizzi
I think you should adopt Luna because she is a super sweet and loves to play fetch.  She is a small, orange dog who can and will sit on your lap.  She also has a pack of Sophie and Waken.  Luna is fun to play with and can and will play with kids of any age and adults.  Also Luna might, sooner or later, lick you.  If you’re looking for a dog you can play with and love then pick Luna up today. If you are looking for a pet that just wants to be petted and play with anything you can dangle in front of it. Then get a cat, they also have cats.